Thompson Family 2005

Thompson Family 2005
Happy Times

Friday, September 2, 2011

Organization out of Confusion

I have made a decision to get control of my time.However much time that may be. Seems as though when the day dawns I have an unlimited amount of time to do what I have planned for that day. Sometimes, at least the last few months, that is a doctor appointment for me, or sometimes taking a friend who isn't able to drive to her doctor appointment and helping her buy groceries. These things rarely take an entire day, but usually I don't get much accomplished at home on those days.
So, I decided that if I were ever going to get organized I needed a PLAN to try and keep me on track. I have decided to clean out ONE cabinet or drawer per day, however large or small that cabinet or drawer may be. I did pretty good with that this week. Although today, I had to do my cabinet after dinner. It happened to be the cabinet that held my many bottles and cans of spices. And I do mean many. I knew it had been a while since I had even looked at my spices, so I decided to check the expiration date on each one. I had one can that expired in 1989.. When I was finished throwing away the out of date spices, my cabinet was practically empty. Amazing - now I have room for so much more "stuff" in that cabinet. I have found that to be true in every cabinet. When I finish there's always so much room. There is probably a profound lesson in that somewhere and it may come to me sometime tonight.
Another area that needs organized is my many "user names" and "passwords" to many different sites I use on the computer. For instance when I started to write this blog, I couldn't find my user name. I had the password, but no user name. I finally found it on a completely different small piece of paper stuck in my notebook where I put most of that stuff. I have user names and passwords written down on pieces of paper and don't even know what they are for. Sooo - my daughter suggested I get an address book and put my passwords and user names in alphabetical order. I looked for an address book at the dollar store today to no avail. So if I can remember I will look for one when I'm at Wal Mart next. Doesn't that sound like a lot of fun - sitting here and getting all that written in an address book. But if I should get all that where I can find it, maybe I'll get another cabinet cleaned out with all the time I will save looking for my password, etc.
Now, if I can just find time to walk on my treadmill every day, do my daily Bible reading, read a little either in my self improvement book, or novel, have lunch with a friend, do laundry, iron and keep up with politics, then I will feel that I've accomplished something.


  1. You make me smile! -Mitzi

  2. Instead of an address book I did an Excel spreadsheet that will put everything in alphabetical order for you after you input them. I keep this taped to a place beside my computer so I can easily have it handy when I need it. If you need some help with this call me. Emily
